
Succeed 2020’s overarching goal is bold and ambitious: successful transition from school to college and careers for all North Dakota students. North Dakota’s eight regional education associations (REAs) have lead responsibility for implementing this initiative, working in collaboration with a wide range of partners and receiving intensive technical support from FHI 360 liaisons and others.

While Succeed 2020 is tailored to the specific needs of each region and participating school, all REAs implement three core strategies, supported by data.



To download a recent documentation report, Striving for Success: Insights from Succeed 2020 Partners, click here.

To download Five Years of Accomplishments: 2012-2017, please click the image below.

To download By the Numbers: 2015-2016 or By the Numbers: 2014-2015, please click the images below.

btn_imageBy the Numbers: 2014-2015





To download our By the Numbers: 2013-2014 brochure, 2012-2013 Year in Review card, and Information card respectively, please click the images below.

By the Numbers: 2013-20142012-2013 Year in Review Card