Northeast Education Services Cooperative
The Northeast Education Services Cooperative (NESC, based in Devils Lake) serves 20 school districts, including tribal and private schools.
NESC’s Succeed 2020 program strengthens teachers, administrators, schools and districts through professional development. Students also benefit from direct programming.
Teachers, administrators, and counselors participate in several activities to strengthen their classrooms and schools. These include regional professional development workshops, grade-level and subject-specific professional learning communities, and writing workshops. NESC staff design professional development specific to the needs of schools by reviewing data and learning from teachers. NESC is supporting district leadership teams through the High Reliability SchoolsTM Academy.
NESC recently added a business tour series to its professional development activities. This enhances teachers’ understanding of different workplaces and their ability to integrate career readiness activities into lesson plans. NESC helps counselors and career advisors to develop work-based learning opportunities, such as in-person and virtual job shadows for students.
In addition, NESC provides direct programming for students. For example, NESC has coordinated Project Lead the Way, an engineering curriculum at Devils Lake and Maddock through ITV, and facilitates other Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) activities.