Academic and CTE Prep
Access to and success in rigorous academic and career and technical education (CTE) programs, with a particular focus on middle grades, high schools, and transitions between levels of schooling, helps students become well-prepared for lifelong learning and their personal, economic, and civic futures.
Preparing students for lifelong learning and their personal, economic, and civic futures is a complex process that requires access to appropriate academic and CTE programs. Students need both academic and CTE programs to prepare for 21st century jobs. This is particularly challenging for small, rural schools that may not have the teachers and funds to offer a robust range of programs.
Coursework should be rigorous and prepare students for a competitive and changing global economy. To be successful, students need strong teachers who can adapt to different learning styles. Teachers must be prepared to provide excellent instruction with locally driven curriculum aligned to the North Dakota State Standards.
REAs are providing a range of services to improve academic and CTE programs. For example, many REAs are offering professional learning communities to help teachers in similar subject areas work together to increase the rigor of their curricula.