College and Career Readiness
January 13, 2015
This diagram is a conceptual map that depicts the unique elements that distinguish college readiness from career readiness as well as the common elements that define a secondary student who is college and career ready. This graphic can be used to guide discussion of what young people need to be well-prepared for college and careers as well as the actions needed to assess and improve the nature and quality of opportunities and supports available to young people.
NDSS Implementation Guide
July 30, 2014
This guide was developed collaboratively by members of the eight ND REAs to help define “full implementation” of the North Dakota State Standards (NDSS) based on the Common Core. It serves several functions for both Principals/Teachers and the REAs.
North Dakota Work-Based Learning Manual
July 30, 2014
Work-based learning (WBL) is a set of instructional strategies that engages employers and schools in providing learning experiences for students. WBL activities are structured opportunities for students to interact with employers or community partners either at school, at a worksite, or virtually, using technology to link students and employers in different locations.
The purposes of WBL are to build student awareness of potential careers, facilitate student exploration of career opportunities, and begin student preparation for careers. These awareness, exploration, and preparation activities help students make informed decisions about high school course and program enrollment and about post-secondary education and training.