Building High Reliability Schools
February 2, 2016
Congratulations to the NESC member schools who recently completed the High Reliability Schools (HRS) Academy with the NESC and Dr. Phil Warrick of Marzano Research. High Reliability Schools is part of NESC’s Succeed 2020 program intended to strengthen school leadership teams and eventually improve math and reading scores for students in participating districts. Participants included more than 50 teachers and administrators from Dakota Prairie, Devils Lake, Edmore, Four Winds, Langdon, Leeds, Munich, and Tate Topa.
The HRS model of school improvement focuses on 5 increasing levels of reliability: Safe and Collaborative Culture, Effective Teaching in Every Classroom, Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum, Standards-Referenced Reporting, and Competency-Based Education. The HRS framework empowers schools to drive permanent, positive, and significant impacts on student achievement by synthesizing multiple complex initiatives into one harmonious system. The schools worked extensively through HRS Levels 1-3 and are now exploring implementation of Levels 4 and 5. The fifth and final, December day of the NESC’s Academy allowed each leadership team the opportunity to present their school’s accomplishments resulting from the HRS work. The list of new initiatives, refined processes, and enhanced practices in each of the schools is very impressive! You make the NESC proud!
A number of our participating schools will now be starting the formal HRS Certification process, beginning with the goal of achieving certification in HRS Level 1, addressing the day-to-day operation of a school, and HRS Level 2, addressing the most commonly cited characteristic of effective schools: high-quality instruction in every classroom. The NESC looks forward to working with these schools as they strive for this notable honor! Read more here.